
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cellphones Play Important Roles in Communication

Nowadays, there is no one who was not use a gadget like cell phones from old communication likes post mail to high technology that make the communication simple, fast and affordable. wherever people may go and whoever they want to talk. Cell phone make it easier to keep in touch to our family and friends. Communication is the most basic element of the society. And with the technology today people are able to communicate effectively and easily in just a click. Cellphones play important roles in communication nowadays. Not only in calling, people today also uses cellphones in communicating in social media. And it’s been a habit of people to use cellphones to interact in social media by sharing their thoughts, knowledge, opinions, and experiences. Like emergency situations, in case like forgot your keys at home, got injury and also improve knowledge could use phone to internet and learn somethingfrom it. In miss understanding in class, could use it to email your teacher as soon as possible and call classmate for help. And on events around the world, today all phones have new apps. With cellphones came the most useful invention, which was internet. The internet is a great tool as it allows anyone to find information on any of the imaginable topic in seconds. The internet allows to purchase or sell any product anywhere around the world. Social networking is even possible with the help of it people can interact with one another and can create new bonds. There are different kind of people in the world including shy, anti social and various others. Cellphones have many features, which allow shy people to interact with someone on internet without hesitation and increase their confidence. But there are certain factors that contribute and affect a person who is using a cellphone regularly and more often.

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